Found Landscapes: remote teaching and experimental confined pedagogies




confined teaching, experimental learning, learning space, conceptual art, turning the space


In the sanitary context of confinement and remote teaching, the proposal of experimental pedagogies in confined environments, applied to an exercise of the first course of Architecture Projects, investigates the impact of learning environments activated from processes and methods of Conceptual Art, Found Object by Duchamp, Matta Clark, Graham, among others, asking that, by incorporating the lived experience of places, landscapes and territories that surround each student, using confinement, it will be possible to build a meaningful learning experience from autonomous learning and development of creative thinking. We review its pedagogical keys, in a tradition in architecture that incorporates constructivism and theories that study the knowledge acquired from experience. Bases, among others, considered as a support to understand the Kolb contributions and the Learning Cycle, which constitute the foundation of the proposal presented here.

Author Biography

Alberto Prado Diaz, Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura Universidad Arturo Prat - Iquique Chile

Arquitecto Universidad de Chile. Doctor Arquitectura. Universidad Politécnica de Catalunya. Académico Coordinador de Investigación.Profesor Asociado carrera de Arquitectura. Facultad de Ingeniería y Arquitectura. Universidad Arturo Prat. Iquique. Región de Tarapacá. Chile


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