Morphotypological survey as a teaching experience




morphotypological survey, active methodologies, land architecture, collective work, Guimerà


In order to define specific management criteria for populations in rural environments, it is necessary to deepen the knowledge of their form and building typologies. The experience collected in this text summarizes the work carried out by a group of students to build the morphotypological survey of Guimerá (province of Lleida). The exercise starts from a confluence of interests between the contents and the skills that are required to be trained within the Degree in Architecture and the needs of the Administration. Through active learning, the students used various instruments to analyze the construction of the town and the landscape, focused on drawing, through surveys at different scales, and the perceptive experience of walking, as an essential tool for knowing the place. As a result of this collective work, a morphotypological cartography was obtained in plan and section of Guimerá, which turned out to be an enriching experience for the students, and very useful for the municipality.


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