Culinary rituals
a virtual pilot investigation for an emotional pedagogy
culinary rituals, iteration, virtual platform, ethnography, travelAbstract
Culinary rituals and their associated spaces are a pretext to propose a line of a collaborative study of end-of-cycle projects that relies on travel as a research tool. In April 2021, a team of European and Latina American women, seven architects, an art historian and an artist, initiated a virtual collaborative symposium with this shared theme, culinary rituals. The pilot experience generated a learning community diverse in its geolocation and approaches, and the builder of web space for architectural practice is still active. The virtual meetings built an innovative space for architectural research practice. This experience took as a case study the kitchen, a traditionally feminine place of action, based on the culinary rituals discovered while travelling. Through the idea of travel, we move from a teaching of the effect to the affective.
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