GIS and the energy improvement of dwellings

a proposal for transformation to nZEB


  • Ana Ruiz-Varona Universidad San Jorge
  • Claudio Javier García-Ballano
  • Maria José Malpica-García Universidad San Jorge



project-based learning, nZEB, GIS, Urban Strategy, Zaragoza


In line with the policies of climate neutrality and energy self-sufficiency of cities, the objective of the innovation practice is to incorporate in the teaching program of two subjects of the degree of Architecture (Installations and Urban Planning) the knowledge and management of analysis and design tools suitable for data-based decision making, related to the new demands for improvement of the energy component of housing. The methodology allows to evaluate in a real context what is the response obtained when detecting actions to improve a group of houses, as well as to design an urban strategy that sets criteria for action at neighborhood or city level. Students generate a video as learning material that includes interviews with end users, favoring the digital skills of students and enabling the consultation of this experience to other colleagues.

Author Biography

Ana Ruiz-Varona, Universidad San Jorge

Arquitecto, Dra. en Urbanismo, Técnico Urbanista. Máster en Tecnologías de la Información Geográfica para la Ordenación del Territorio: SIG y Teledetección. Profesor de Urbanística y Ordenación del Territorio en la Escuela de Arquitectura y Tecnología de la Universidad San Jorge desde 2012 y actual investigador principal del grupo Arquitecturas Open Source


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