Communication and Drawing

experimenting with an Autonomous Learner Model


  • Elena González-Gracia Dpto. Expresión Gráfica Arquiectónica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Sevilla. Grupo de investigación HUM-799. Avda. Reina Mercedes, 2, 41012, Sevilla.
  • Francisco Pinto Puerto Dpto. Expresión Gráfica Arquiectónica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Sevilla. Grupo de investigación HUM-799. Avda. Reina Mercedes, 2, 41012, Sevilla.



architectural graphic expression, drawing, communication, inquiry learning process, project-based learning


Learning autonomy involves the student as an active agent, makes them assume a dynamic role in the classroom and take responsibility for their learning. Their ideas are the protagonists of the sessions and the teacher limits himself to the prior construction of the experience and its coordination. In this way, students take advantage of their potential development, use their prior knowledge, their intuitive-reflective capacity and the feedback they receive in the classroom. This communication presents a teaching innovation model based on this didactic principle, put into practice in the subject of Drawing 1. Geometry and perception, with students who have just arrived at the Seville School of Architecture. This model includes compare and contrast activities, problem-based learning, and actions to evaluate and verify results.

Author Biographies

Elena González-Gracia, Dpto. Expresión Gráfica Arquiectónica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Sevilla. Grupo de investigación HUM-799. Avda. Reina Mercedes, 2, 41012, Sevilla.

Currently, González-Gracia ( is a PhD candidate at the Department of Architectural Graphic Expression of the University of Seville (Spain). Her PhD "The evolution of the role of graphic language in the knowledge, conservation and management of architectural heritage: Drawings of the Archaeological Site of Italica" is sponsored by the competitive call “Sixty Research and Transfer Plan “of the University of Seville (PhD grant). She received her undergraduate degree in Architecture in 2016. Between 2018 and 2020 she worked as a Young Researcher at the R&D Project TUTSOSMOD “Sustainable guardianship of cultural heritage through digital BIM and GIS models: contribution to knowledge and social innovation” (HAR2016-78113-R) ( Previously, she had worked as a Collaborating Researcher in two projects: "NUREMCO Reinforcement project in reinforced concrete structures" (2013) and "REprogram Energy Optimization and Building Rehabilitation Project" (2013-2014). Since 2019, she is member of the Research Group HUM 799 Heritage Knowledge Strategies ( of the University of Seville and, since 2020, as part of her PhD experience, she works as a teacher at the ETSA of Seville. During her PhD studies, she did a research stay in the Andalusian Institute of Historical Heritage (2021), and recently she has received a research stay grant in the Cultural Heritage Management Lab (CHMLab) at the Architectural Department, University of Florence, Italy (between May - July 2022). During 2021, as part of her thesis research work and her participation in the Project of Transfer Actions CEI-10 "Development of BIM-HBIM-SIG models applied to knowledge, conservation, dissemination and management of architectural cultural heritage" funded by the European Union, she was working in the Archive of Archaeological Site of Italica, studying and cataloging its graphic documents (drawings, cartography, plans, etc.), whose results haven been published by Springer International Publishing.

Francisco Pinto Puerto, Dpto. Expresión Gráfica Arquiectónica, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura, Universidad de Sevilla. Grupo de investigación HUM-799. Avda. Reina Mercedes, 2, 41012, Sevilla.

Pinto Puerto, Francisco ( Doctor Architect. Professor of the Department of Architectural Graphic Expression of the ETS of Architecture of Seville. Currently, Pinto is the director of the Department of Architectural Graphic Expression in Seville. He has been university professor uninterruptedly since 1988 (in first, second, third cycle and various official master's degrees). He has participated in several teaching innovation projects. In the current university curriculum of 2012, he has taugh fundamentally in the first-year subjects and in the Master of Archicture, in which he has been developing hybrid teaching systems of representation, expression and communication of Architecture. Between 1988 and 2018, he has developed extensive professional activity in the intervention and conservation of architectural heritage through LOU 68/83 contracts. He works on two research simultaneous lines, which have a relationship between them: the first one deals with architectural and graphic analysis of the formal control systems of historical architectures. The other one is a consequence of different experiences in drawing and analysis of historic buildings, which have developed multidisciplinary strategies for understanding of the architectural heritage and its application to studies prior to and parallel to the intervention, as well as the development of management models for the processes involved in the restoration and conservation of architecture. This line is linked to the HUM-799 research group, of which Pinto has been director since 2010, and the R&D projects: HAR2012-34571, HAR2016-78113-R and CEI-10-HUM799 (which is part of the PROJECT INNOVATION ECOSYSTEM ATECH-TIC-2019).


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