
Mobile application for the gamification in Architectural Composition


  • Agatángelo Soler Montellano Universidad Politécnica de Madrid
  • Íñigo Cobeta Gutiérrez
  • José Antonio Flores Soto
  • Laura Sánchez Carrasco



mobile application, educational innovation project, gamification, architectural composition, introduction to architecture


AppQuitectura is an educational innovation project conceived to design a mobile application which will be used as a reinforcement tool in the acquisition of architectural knowledge by students. Based on ICT and financed by the Polytechnic University of Madrid, it is being developed by a group of professors from the UPM Schools of Architecture and Computer Science. AppQ seeks to create an application for mobile platforms, with a Quiz game format, conceived as a teaching support for subjects belonging to the Architectural Composition Area of ​​the Fundamentals of Architecture Degree. This communication presents the strategic lines, the content and the graphic design of the project, developed during the spring of 2022. The usability test results and the approach to the second phase of the project are discussed in the communication entitled «AppQuitectura: initial results and next challenges».


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