Flipped classroom, gamification and multimedia in Construction by using social networks


  • Antonio Serrano-Jiménez Departamento Construcciones Arquitectónicas - Universidad de Granada https://orcid.org/0000-0002-8585-857X
  • Paula M. Esquivias Departamento Construcciones Arquitectónicas - Universidad de Granada
  • Raquel Fuentes-García Departamento Construcciones Arquitectónicas - Universidad de Granada
  • V Departamento Construcciones Arquitectónicas - Universidad de Granada




active learning, constructive systems, flipped classroom, audiovisual material, TikTok


The complexity of technical subjects related to the construction field, in Architecture Studies, is elevated in the first years of study due to the lack of fundamental knowledge of terms and properties in construction systems. Students enter their first year without previous fundamental training, in most cases, without having visited a construction site, generating pedagogical challenges. Given the complexity of the subject, traditional teaching causes mechanisation and memorisation, erroneous on many occasions, replacing reasoning and understanding of the usefulness of each system and constructive solution. Taking advantage of the entertaining and dynamic potential of Social Networks in students, this work analyses the design, development, and experimentation of a flipped classroom teaching model that combines explanations of main concepts and construction systems through recorded and explained videos by the students themselves, in search of an active, playful and motivating learning methodology.

Author Biography

Antonio Serrano-Jiménez, Departamento Construcciones Arquitectónicas - Universidad de Granada

Profesor Ayudante Doctor

Departamento Construcciones Arquitectónicas .

Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura. Universidad de Granada.



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