Visualization and Representation: Graphic Design and Industrial Production
design, technology, architecture, visualization, representationAbstract
We present an innovation practice that focuses on the pedagogy of visualization and representation, after validating these two tools as approaches to design problems. Our work is carried out in two phases. In the first phase, we focus on providing training to students in graphic analysis, while in the second phase, we focus on the realms of proposition and ideation. The exercise was planned to be simultaneously developed in two educational programs with common interests, namely the "Bachelor's Degree in Architecture" and the "Bachelor's Degree in Digital Design and Creative Technologies". Furthermore, coordination efforts were made between the two programs to involve two courses from the first year: "Digital Tools" and "Geometry II" from the Bachelor's Degree in Architecture, and "Digital Tools for Information and Communication" and "Digital Geometry and Programming" from the Bachelor's Degree in Digital Design and Creative Technologies.
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