The hero’s death: The creation of an inclusive and cooperative professional narrative
profession, vocation, academy, professional bar, labour marektAbstract
The figure of the liberal architect as a project author, the idealized creator, pervades, in Spain, the simbotic relationship between educational and professional institutions sin, in 1931, the Architects Bar was created. However, the evolution of the field points to the necessity of a more inclusive academical and professional approach, able to leave behind an education and an integration into the labour market dangerously similar to Cambell’s hero’s journey. The teaching experience of the Architecture & Profession research group in the Degree in Architectural Fundaments at URJC, develops a transversal approach, enlargening the professional models and the seflperception of the students and it can be used to stablish a bidirectional collaborative and integrative relation with the Architect’s Bar. It can, in other terms, kill the hero and make way for the cooperative professional.
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