Pedagogical model for the first year of undergraduate studies: development of open problem solving skills




design studio, architectural design, first year, didactic techniques, critical discipline


In this article, pedagogical model for the first year of the architectural design is presented, developed within the framework of an extensive group (1500 students and 17 professors over a five-year period), in the context of professional enablement education, with increasing educational demands in ever-shorter learning times. The theoretical knowledge, student training, and proposed exercises are aimed at the early acquisition of operational and disciplinary capabilities as a support for critical thinking strategies, suggesting a faster approach to the "real" world, opposed to more abstract, composition-centered learning methods. The proposed method focuses on core topics of the discipline and aims to equip students with the recognition and mastery of fundamental operational supports and work strategies for solving open project problems.

Author Biographies

Pedro Lima Gaspar, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitectura, Departamento de Projecto de Arquitectura

Lisbon, 1971. Architect (1994) from the Lisbon School of Architecture, M.Sc. in Construction (2003) and Ph.D. in Engineering Sciences (2009) from the Technical University of Lisbon, with a thesis on "Model for estimating the service life of construction elements". He has been a teacher at the School of Architecture of the University of Lisbon since 1996, currently serving as an assistant professor in the first cycle of the integrated master's program in architecture and in the doctoral program. He conducts research and regularly publishes in the areas of building service life, energy, performance, and sustainability. He maintains a professional activity as an senior architect with projects in Portugal, Spain, and Mozambique. He is co-founder of Architects Without Borders Portugal and a member of the technical committees of CIB (International Council for Research and Innovation in Building and Construction) in the areas of Service Life Prediction Methods (W80) y Building pathology (W86).

Jorge Spencer, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitectura, Departamento de Projecto de Arquitectura

Architect and university professor. He obtained his doctorate in 2001 from the Faculty of Architecture at the Technical University of Lisbon. He is a Full Professor at that faculty, where he has been teaching since 1986 in the area of Architectural Design, in undergraduate, master's, and doctoral courses.

He has held multiple positions in various academic coordination and management bodies. He currently coordinates the first cycle of the Integrated Master's Degree in Architecture and is the scientific coordinator for the Design discipline in the first year.

With published books, articles, and book chapters, he has been invited to give lectures and participate in scientific conferences in Portugal, Spain, the USA, Canada, Romania, Chile, and Colombia, regularly engaging in activities as a visiting professor in these areas.

His research focuses on the role of drawing in the architectural design process and on didactic strategies in architectural education.

Nuno Arenga, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitectura, Departamento de Projecto de Arquitectura

Nuno Miguel Arenga Reis (1968) is architect and PhD in Architecture (2009) by Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade Técnica de Lisboa, with the thesis O Saguão na Habitação Urbana : o interior da casa em torno de um vazio vertical nuclear. (Reis, Nuno Miguel Arenga. "O saguão na habitação urbana : o interior da casa em torno de um vazio vertical nuclear". Doutoramento, 2009. He is Assistant Professor at Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, where he teaches Architectural Design (Project). He also works as a professional Architect in his own office, and in collaboration with other offices.

João Silva Leite, Universidade de Lisboa, Faculdade de Arquitectura, CIAUD, formaurbis LAB

João Silva Leite (1981) is architect and PhD in Urbanism (2016) by Lisbon School of Architecture, Universidade de Lisboa, with the thesis “Emergent Streets”. He is Assistant Professor at the same school and member of formaurbis LAB/CIAUD, an urban morphology research laboratory. 

He regularly publishes and participates in international seminars related with urban form, specially with the topics around the urban infrastructures, public spaces renewals or transitions spaces between buildings and ciy. He integrated the team of several funded research projects of which the "Building Typology" and “MetroPublicNet” stands out. In 2014 he was awarded by BIAU with the prize of best master thesis, with the title “Commercial Road”.


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