The one, and also the other: precise container, alternate program


  • Carlos Ignacio Castillo Fuentealba Universidad San Sebastián
  • Gabriel Gatica-Gómez Universidad San Sebastián



functional indifference, container, content, constraints, neutral, spatial indeterminacy


The programmatic changes required by the contemporary condition are supported by the interiors. This paper presents the teaching experience of two design studio courses of different formative cycle, in which programmatic uncertainty was raised as a driving agent in the approach and development of the architectural project. The students were confronted with a specific assignment and then adopted a forced programmatic change. In this way, and through the conceptual understanding of a precise container and programming, change, possibility, and adaptation were introduced as a project strategy, while at the same time generating an approximation between theory and practice. The programmatic alternation allowed students to approach the theme of functional indifference in a less obvious way, to project unnamed rooms with a better critical perspective. The start of both courses dispensed of any contextual relationship, hiding the changes in the interior.

Author Biographies

Carlos Ignacio Castillo Fuentealba, Universidad San Sebastián

Doctor en Proyectos Arquitectónicos, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona. Máster en Estudios Avanzados en Arquitectura con la especialidad Proyecto, Proceso y Programación, ETSAB, España. Arquitecto Universidad de Concepción, Chile. Académico Escuela de Arquitectura Universidad San Sebastián, Concepción, Chile.

Gabriel Gatica-Gómez, Universidad San Sebastián

Arquitecto por la Unversidad de Concepción, Chile y Master of Architecture por la Universidad de Texas en Austin, EEUU. Ha colaborado con oficinas de arquitectura donde destaca Miró Rivera Architects en Austin, Texas entre los años 2018 y 2019. Actualmente se desempeña como profesor de Taller de Arquitectura y asignatura de Anteproyecto de Título y Seminario de Proyectos en la Universidad San Sebastián, Concepción, Chile.


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