Proposal to improve the quality indicators of architecture teaching




teaching, didactics, architecture, profession, student body


In response to the lack of specific indicators for architectural education, the text proposes the exploration of new indicators using a graphical method. The methodology involves gathering data from architecture students and professionals and encoding this information to create graphical diagnostic tools. Over 1,200 in-person interviews with students and online surveys of architecture professionals have been conducted, and new indicators have been introduced. These indicators are assigned average values based on the obtained results, which will serve as a reference for future applications and previous studies aiming to reform existing curriculum plans. By implementing this evaluation system, it becomes possible to make comparisons among different schools and generations of students. It also facilitates the alignment of education with the self-assessments provided by architecture professionals. This approach addresses the need for comprehensive assessment tools in architectural education and offers valuable insights for curriculum development and improvement.

Author Biography

Luis Manuel Santalla Blanco, Universidade da Coruña - ETSAC

Arquitecto por la UDC en 2013. Diplomado en Docencia de arquitectura por la Universidad de Chile. Socio fundador de FLU-OR Arquitectura. Ganadores de premio Europan 13. Ganadores de la XV Bienal de Arquitectura y Urbanismo y ganadores del premio COAG con el proyecto "Tribuna Pública". Actualmente doctorando en la UDC sobre la docencia de arquitectura en España y Portugal. 


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Hernández de León, J.M. 2005. Libro blanco. Título de grado en arquitectura. Agencia Nacional de Evaluación de la Calidad y Acreditación.

Subdirección General de Actividad Universitaria Investigadora de la Secretaría General de Universidades. 2021. “Datos y cifras del sistema universitario español. Publicación 2020-2021” Ministerio de Universidades.




