E-learning in the field of teaching in sustainable architecture: application to the analysis of natural ventilation in buildings


  • P. Amparo López Jiménez




Teaching through remote tools (e-learning) using resources on platforms based on Internet is increasingly important. The reasons for this are several: first, students find that the teaching-learning process can be adapted to their time requirements and understanding of concepts. Secondly, the concepts presented may include interactive elements such as videos, spreadsheets, links to other pages updated, etc ... Making that information always available for students is very interesting for them, presenting the most important concepts at every moment of their curricula. In this sense, the experiences developed by the author of this work focus on the development of so-called "Learning Objects" for interactive teaching in the field of natural ventilation in buildings. The experience has been very interactive. I.e., the object "Designing sustainable ventilation in buildings" is presented in Spanish, but transcribed into English. Many students have followed this information since it was presented online.


