Educating the New Generation of Architects: from ICT to EPT




In the last decade, architectural studios have adopted more dynamic communication and work structures thanks to the management, storage and dissemination capacity of digital technologies. Consequently, schools of architecture have faced the challenge of training professionals with digital skills. They have progressively incorporated ICT into Design Studios. Its implementation has initiated a process where teaching through ICT has been substituted by learning with LKT. For the moment, it seems that the educational model of the Design Studio is still in transformation as well as the professional practice. Therefore, schools are introducing modifications to the Design Studio model while these changes are occurring. In this context, it can be ventured that its future seems to be heading towards the inclusion of EPT as empowering and participatory learning environments.

Author Biography

Marta Masdéu, University of Girona (UdG)

Associate Professor. Department of Architecture and Construction Engineering. Polytechnic School. University of Girona


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