Learning to project through the analysis of projects decisions


  • Jessica Solange Fuentealba Quilodrán University of Bío-Bío
  • Roberto Goycoolea Prado University of Alcalá http://orcid.org/0000-0003-2997-0695
  • José Julio Martin Sevilla University of Alcalá




Learning to project through analysis of projects decisions, is a teaching proposal developed in the subject Analysis of the Forms, School of Architecture, University of Alcalá, Spain, which aims at architectural analysis as a critical instrument for project process, moving away from the traditional use of analysis as a descriptive method or separate from the project process. The teaching method is that the student "puts himself in the role of the architect" with the available data, establishing starting conditions that will regret the project process, the results and, ultimately, understand the project from various approaches (analytical attention) It is intended that the student then in his own explorations, with new starting conditions, use the creative memory in the resolution of new problems that he faces in his projects.

Author Biographies

Jessica Solange Fuentealba Quilodrán, University of Bío-Bío

Assistant Professor School of Architecture UBB Academic Department of Design and Theory of Architecture Candidate for a PhD in Architecture University of Alcalá, Spain

Roberto Goycoolea Prado, University of Alcalá

Titular Professor E.T.S. Architecture and Geodesy

Graphic Expression Area

Architectural department

José Julio Martin Sevilla, University of Alcalá

Associate Professor E.T.S. Architecture and Geodesy

Graphic Expression Area Architectural

Architectural department


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