The Didactic Of The Territory. A Model to Assemble
This article presents an experience of active methology applied to teaching and learning of the architecture workshop. The result of the investigation of Teaching Inovation, “The didactic of the territory. A model to assemble” is centered in the located and contextualized learning, and the legacy of the discipline tradition of the alchitecture teaching in Chile, which trasends though the architecture schools of the country, installing the discution around the concepts of the “architectonic act” and “observation”.The proposal of the territorial didactic unit is a process of systematation of strategies that students have to build a model of a situaded think-do. Its objective are to develop competencies and disciplinary skills, summoning the student between actions where he is exhorted in the comprehension ot the territory, as a social and historic construccion. This arouses from the “architectonic act”, and orients the actioning to a successful significative learning, a new knowledge, that is transforming and a critical partner.
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