An introduction to urbanism through urban form and its socioenvironmental dimensions




This article presents the teaching plan of one of the Spanish last-generation schools to introduce first-year students in the topics of urbanism. From a generic pedagogical perspective, the proposal uses active methods of learning based on problems. In the particularity of urbanism, it performs this introduction through an analysis of urban form that arises from the interest to know its social and environmental implications. In addition, the proposal presents a number of innovations including: the use of a wide repertoire of scales, the use of GIS combined with other more traditional tools, the use of the destination of the study trip as the general case study for the class, and an induction to urban studies’ culture through the analysis of case studies and texts that are relevant in the Western Europe context.

Author Biography

Borja Ruiz-Apilánez, Universidad de Castilla-La Mancha

School of Architecture


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