How to exhibit the edition: Active methodologies in the editorial practice of architecture




Throughout the year 2017, a series of activities were developed within the framework of the research project "Editorial Laboratories, new modes, media and spaces for architecture publishing". The main objective of this project was the identification and analysis of new editorial models linked to architectural  production. The project was shared with the students of the Higher Technical School of Architecture of Granada, including them into processes like the selection of contents, the creation of an exhibition discourse, the manufacture of furniture and the edition of some publications. This paper gathers previous reflections and influences of the project, in order to focus on the methodologies developed within the activities carried out with the students. The results of the project, obtained together with them, are discussed to show the importance of including the editorial practices into Architectural teaching.

Author Biographies

David Arredondo Garrido, University of Granada

Visiting Professor. Department of History and Theory of Architecture

Tomás García Píriz, University of Granada

Associate Professor, Department of Architectural Design


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