Vertical flipped classroom. An experience at ETSAM-UPM




It is necessary to reach a major implication of the students in the educational process. In the Technical School of Architecture (UPM), we have carried out an experience of reversed "vertical" classroom inside the Project of Educational Innovation named " the Transversality between the Facilities and the Construction in the architecture ". three subjects have participated: Construction I (2 º), Facilities and Technical Services (4 º) and Facilities Project (5 º). The experience has consisted of vertical cooperative work, that is, involving people of the three levels and subjects in the same groups. The students have shared shortcomings and interests on the topics discussed, and they have prepared the documentation that has been used for the exhibitions in the classrooms. The participation has been very high both in the work groups and in the classrooms and the degree of satisfaction expressed in the surveys for the experience has also been maximum.


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