International workshops as complex thinking-generating synergies




With this paper we want to present a format of international workshops that
combine conventional knowledge transmission methodologies (face-to-face
interaction and hierarchical organization) with innovations of a more proactive
nature (online interaction, intergroup dynamization and generation of different
levels of participation). The communication is based on the experience of having
participated in several of its editions, dealing with different topics and always
obtaining an exchange of ideas, knowledge and research that, although they have
been treated from a specific discipline such as urban planning, could be
extrapolated to other areas of knowledge. A critical analysis of the different editions
in which we have participated and their results will allow us to assess some of the
strengths of this format to generate complex thinking, critical reasoning and
international professional networks.

Author Biographies

Rafael Córdoba Hernández, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Urban architect by ETSAM (2005) and associate professor in the Department of Urban Planning and Land Management of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (2012). He has carried out different research projects related to indicators of sustainability, urban vulnerability, resilience and urban development within the Juan de Herrera Institute of ETSAM. Researcher of the Research Group Architecture, Urbanism and Sustainability of the UPM (GIAU + S), he is currently developing his thesis on the relationship of the legal conditions of planning and the resilience of the territory. His research papers have been presented at various national and international conferences and published in several books and academic journals.

Jose Manuel Gómez Giménez, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Architect by the UPM (2017), graduated in Political Science and Administration from the UNED (2015) and Master in Urban and Territorial Planning from the UPM (2016). Predoctoral researcher in the Department of Urban Planning and Land Management and member of the Research Group on Architecture, Urban Planning and Sustainability (GIAU + S). In my development as a researcher, I study concepts and methodological developments to assess the impacts of phenomena such as extended urbanization, functional integration of its different territories, recent transformations in the Iberian Peninsula urban system or territorialization of socioeconomic borders and fractures related to Vulnerability


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