Methodology: “Learning by doing”, applied to the Architectural Constructions area
At present, people who are able to function in a changing environment and solve problems reflexively and planned are demanded in a work world. So, the education methodology must be changed to train people who are able to activate the knowledge acquired, who can use different strategies to respond to problems and work in teams. This research project aims to develop and promote creative thinking processes in university teaching. It is a teaching innovation project developed by the Department of Art and Architecture of the University of Malaga. It is intended to bring the student closer to the architect's working life, through real practices, where the competences of the profession are developed, thus enriching the learning process and facilitating the acquisition of professional skills linked to the design and construction process. The results achieved have shown that learning through practice, exercise, and repetition known as learning by doing improves the skills, dexterity, and productivity of students and professor.
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