Heroes and Villains





Heroes and Vilains (in the Gran Vía of Madrid) is a course taught by the students of the third edition of the Master in Architectural Communication (MACA) in the subject "Teaching Project", a subject where students become teachers. This article details this teaching experience in which students had to organize and teach in an ATHENS (Advanced Technology Higher Education Network) course, a one-week international course within the internationalization program of the Polytechnic University of Madrid (UPM). This article details and analyzes the methodology, structure and tools used during this pedagogical experiment focused on critical positioning in front of the contemporary city and based on student self-exploration, and collaborative learning in the classroom through digital tools focused on the professional world.

Author Biography

Ángela Ruíz Plaza, ETSAM.Madrid

Departamento Ideación Grafica. ETSAM Madrid. Profesora Asociada.


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