Teaching to be an architect. Introduction to the architectural project learning


  • María Isabel Alba Dorado University of Malaga




The beginning of the learning of the architectural project is possibly one of the most memorable beginnings that any architect can undertake in his training. It is the starting point of an activity that will accompany you throughout your career. A learning that, in these early years of waking up to architectural creation, becomes exciting and intense. This paper aims to define a series of approaches in the teaching of the architectural project that, centered on the recognition of the student in the initial stages of his training as an architect, support his initiation in learning in the process of projecting through the establishment of a series of training strategies that offer a progress in the teaching of the architectural project based on a formative teaching, focused on developing personal attitudes and skills that foster creative thinking and that foster a capacity for criticism, analysis and reflection.

Author Biography

María Isabel Alba Dorado, University of Malaga

Assistant Professor. University of Malaga


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