The constructive detail as a multi-scale expression of the form




In line with the idea that to build the present, the references of the past are necessary, is that in 2015, to define the theories and methodologies related with the form construction which would be the foundation of the III and IV Project Studio, the experience as undergraduate and postgraduate student was used. That was adopted, reviewed and fused related to the constructive detail, the form’s multi scale condition and the manufacture of section models, not from the student vision, but from the teacher’s one, building a new methodology. Through this, as an active and creative initiative, the student can understand the relation between the urban image, the interior atmosphere and the tectonics of his project, at the same time that the referenced methodology is updated.

Author Biography

Valentina Sofía Ortega Culaciati, Universidad San Sebastián, Chile.

Dr. en Proyectos Arquitectónicos,  ETSAB, UPC. 

Docente Investigador, Facultad de Arquitectura, Arte y Diseño.


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