UNI-Health, European Innovative Education Program for Urban Health
UNI-Health (2019) consists on an European Innovative Education Program for Urban Health in the EIT Health European framework. It establishes the design guidelines for public spaces from the perspective of health. The main objective is to provide a set of analysis skills and knowledge for professionals, researchers and designers from different disciplines. This education project innovates in the creation of synergies between university, researchers, citizens, companies, local administrations and policy-makers, to work together towards age-friendly cities.The result is a urban diagnosis methodology to identify main disfunctionalities and potentials of neighborhoods, in order to set measures and decisions to improve urban environments through policies and design for active ageing. An innovative proposal is presented by a multidisciplinary approach on increasing awareness about the impact of urban environment on health and the design of more inclusive projects creating high-quality environments towards the promotion of active ageing.
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