About the house from home: new teaching experience in the subject Architecture Workshop





The context of the pandemic that we are going through has forced us to rethink models, methodologies, programmes, and teaching activities. In a short period of time, teaching architecture has called for important revisions not only of instruments, but also content. This text describes the experience gained in Taller de Arquitectura (Architecture Workshop), a course that brings together several disciplines in the development of one project, in this case the design of a single -family home. From the specific area of Architectural History, Theory and Composition, a series of specific tools were developed so that the student could, from the privacy of his or her own home, undertake a series of parallel activities that would provide him or her with sufficient theoretical bases to tackle the course with theoretical and practical competence.

Author Biography

Pablo Manuel Millán Millán, Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónica. Universidad de Sevilla.

Doctor Arquitecto. Departamento de Historia, Teoría y Composición Arquitectónica. Universidad de Sevilla.


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