Climates of everyday life. Didactics for an Architecture that cares for the climate and people


  • Cristina Alba Pérez-Rendón Cotidiana S.C.A.
  • Eva Morales Soler Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad de Málaga Cotidiana S.C.A.
  • Isabel Martín Ruíz Cotidiana S.C.A.



Facing the need for a change in the urban model that puts climate, people and care at the centre, we see the need to transform the learning process from an early age as a moment of opportunity for this change to be possible and as a place multiplier for the educational community and homes. This leads us to rethink the teaching methods in the classroom and how these can lead to a rethinking of daily lives, living environments and the impact on the environment. My everyday climates develop didactic practices for the improvement of educational environments from two climatic approaches (scientific and social): The atmospheric climate and the climates of coexistence that occur in the use of them, integrating principles of ecological and inclusive architecture to the formal teaching in public schools at the primary stage.

Author Biographies

Cristina Alba Pérez-Rendón, Cotidiana S.C.A.

Doctora en Arquitectura y Medio Ambiente por la Universidad de Sevilla.

Eva Morales Soler, Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad de Málaga Cotidiana S.C.A.

Profesora Asociada. Escuela de Arquitectura, Universidad de Málaga. Área de Proyectos Arquitectónicos. Doctora por Universidad de Sevilla, Mención Internacional TU Delft.

Isabel Martín Ruíz, Cotidiana S.C.A.

Arquitecta. Máster en Geografía.


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