Confined learning: Opportunities and perception of college students


  • María Redondo Pérez Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid
  • Alfonso Muñoz Cosme Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid



This year, the implementation of ICT tools to supply face-to-face activity has been carried out abruptly, lacking an adaptive period that would allow the assimilation of the necessary tools, or an adaptation of the dynamics as planned as face-to-face teaching. It seeks to describe the perception of students of architectural projects on online teaching during the Covid-19 crisis and to know if virtual teaching can replace face-to-face teaching in this area. To obtain the results, it was applied a questionnaire available to all students and teachers of architectural projects at the school. The results obtained showed that the students felt more stressed than usual due to the current situation, emphasizing the impossibility of going outside, the extra workload and the monothematic of Covid-19.


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