Communicaction. Training action about the effective communication


  • Rafael Rivera Herráez Universitat Politècnica de València
  • Macarena Trujillo Guillén Universitat Politècnica de València



In this communication, we present an experience on skills training. Specifically, we proposed a workshop to work the effective communication. The two-hours workshop was mainly practical, although some theoretical interventions were included. Based on two previous no formal teaching experiences, this proposal had a triple interest: to check if it was feasible to develop the workshop within formal teaching, to analyze the motivation of students towards this type of training, and to check the effectiveness of the workshop for the improvement in the quality of student presentations. The results showed a satisfaction of the experience in all these items. In order to obtain better results, it was detected that the workshop should be held during the first weeks of the course, so that the development of the classes involves additional practice without the need of special sessions.


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