Service-Learning experience for the socio-spatial diagnosis of residential buildings




This paper presents the results of an experimental activity that took place during the 2019-2020 academic year. Its main goal was to get students from different academic levels involved in the comprehension, analysis and socio-spatial diagnosis of the common and domestic areas of residential buildings in Barcelona’s Raval neighborhood. It sought to actively involve the academic process in existing activities for the transfer of technology, and in existing collaborations between researchers, local administrations and associative networks. This training process allowed participants to value the work, research and analysis that take place before rehabilitation initiatives, both from an architectural/technological perspective and from a social perspective. Participants became aware of the social and political aspects of academic and professional architecture, and of the possibility of contributing to social transformation with scientific and technical rigor.

Author Biographies

Sara Vima-Grau, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

PhD Candidate, Architecture Teacher and Researcher

Victoria Tous-Monedero, Associació Oasiurbà


Pilar Garcia-Almirall, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya

Architecture Professor


AJUNTAMENT DE BARCELONA. Premis Ciutat de Barcelona.


[Consulta: 30 de agosto 2020]

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