Architecture and landscape experimental atelier. First online trial
“Experimental workshop 2. Architecture and landscape. The sketching drawings ” is an optional subject at the 4th year of the Bachelor of Architecture. We describe the objectives and methodology of this face-to-face, manual and sensorial subject, based on experimental pedagogies, where a large number of foreign students participate, analysing their evolution and results. Due to the situation derived from COVID-19, subject was forcibly transformed into the “on-line” format. In an intuitive, improved and open way, the workshop continued with all students and without losing its essence. We will show the transformation that virtual teaching has entailed through the use of two fundamental tools: the MIRO realtime board application and the TEAMS working group manager. To conclude we will assess the experience trying to analyze the pros and cons of teaching in the virtual classroom, trying to advance the inevitable changes, at the beginning of the new 2020-21 academic year.References
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