camp_us: co-designing university and city. Pamplona 2020




The camp_us project explores new links for a rich coexistence, cultural activity, participation and citizen integration between the campus of the University of Navarra and the city of Pamplona, through a systemic and holistic design process. To this end, student teams follow the Design Thinking process, in order to explore, study and identify insights and opportunities for improvement, exploring three interconnected work fields: space, connections and time. The development of these proposals will include in the design process the active participation of the most relevant agents and users of the ecosystem, making them co-participants in the approaches, achiving integrated, inclusive and coherent solutions to the current needs, at a local and global level. This article is presented as a further step in the journey towards learning more resilient design processes.

Author Biographies

Aitor Acilu, University of Navarra

Architect (2010), Specialization in Landscape and Environment (2010), Master in Theory and History (2011) and Doctor -cum laude, and Extraordinary Prize- (2015) by the University of Navarra(ETSAUN).

Professor of Design and Coordinator of the Service Design mention at the University of Navarra.

Professional dedicated to the design of spaces, active participant in research and innovation projects -service design, strategic design-. Development of collaborative projects in multidisciplinary teams in order to provide value, focusing on people and their experience.


Adrián Larripa, University of Navarra

Professor of Service Design Laboratory.

Degree in Design

Construction, Installations and Structures Department

Industrial Design Engineer from the University of Zaragoza and Master's Degree in Industrial Design Engineering and Innovation from the Politecnico di Milano.
He is currently Co-founder of PACO Design Collaborative in Milan and Founder of LarripaStudio Design and Innovation (a young Design and Innovation consultancy founded three years ago) in Pamplona.

He combines his professional activity with teaching at the University of Navarra.


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