Making the experience into experiment: daily lockdown life as a school for the future


  • Alberto Nanclares da Veiga Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid- ETSAM. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid- UPM.



When schools closed due to the COVID-19 crisis, all courses went suddenly online. Most population in Europe was locked down, Erasmus students came back home, and spanish students were severely confined for at least 8 weeks. Many situations that were inconceivable, became the must for overcoming the crisis, causing havoc, anxiety and depression among students and teachers. From the subject “Informal public spaces”, we transformed our street course into an international online community that took care of the different disorders students went through, taking advantage of the flourishment of civic initiatives Europe witnessed: As the goal of the course, students developed, analysed and studied their own experiences and initiatives for caring, easing the lockdown, and social help, both in domestic, city and neighbourhood scales, which in turn helped them to ease their personal crisis and allow them to extract knowledge out of the biggest social experiment of the XXI century.

Author Biography

Alberto Nanclares da Veiga, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Madrid- ETSAM. Universidad Politécnica de Madrid- UPM.

Alberto Nanclares da Veiga is an associate professor at the Architectural Projects Department of Madrid architecture School ETSAM, Madrid POlytechnic University UPM. He is the teacher of the only course fully dedicated to public space, an experimental workshop of 4th year, and teaches the "fundamental course" for the new students of 1st year, as well as the responsible for "mediation" at the Master of Architecture communication MACA.


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