I photography contest of ventilation and climatization: An experience on Instagram


  • Rafael Assiego de Larriva ETS Arquitectura. Universidad de Málaga
  • Nazaret Rodríguez Ruiz ETS Arquitectura. Universidad de Málaga




The teaching experience shown in this paper focuses on the I photography contest of ventilation and climatization. The context of the constest was the subject called Installations I and the first open day of the School of Architecture of Malaga. Their goals were the student motivation and promoting teamwork, and on the other hand, the dissemination of the subject among the followers of the School on the social network Instagram. The scope was the theorical content explained in the classroom. It was structurated into three phases. Fourteen pictures were assessed. All of them introduced elements of a instalallation. The results depict the compromise of the students with the creativity in relation to the integration of the systems and the architecture. Moreover, the potential of Instagram as comunication tool was tested. The pictures get 2274 votes in the form of “like” in four days.


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