WhatsApp: Situations and Program
The Dissections second-year core studio is part of an ongoing research on experimental pedagogies framed by the production of architecture projects based on the study of everyday and ordinary situations. These develop into design proposals by exploring their own limits, thus generating new programs and systems of relations that are not classifiable into any pre-established typologies. Each project depends entirely on the student’s specific recording of situations, as opposed to the traditional approach of a given problem. There is no predefined scale, nor is an area of intervention, and much less a “type” of project. Therefore, the students have to seek the questions rather than the answers, beginning from the organization of the collected data. Firstly, as a direct survey of the situation, and then as a record of observations filtered by messaging apps —such as WhatsApp—, that allow for the expansion of the situation’s action framework.
BOW-WOW, Atelier (2015). Comunalidad arquitectónica: una introducción. Santiago: Ediciones ARQ.
JAQUE, A. (2017). Transmaterial. Santiago: Ediciones ARQ.
WALKER, E (2010). Lo ordinario. Barcelona: Editorial Gustavo Gili.
COLOMINA, B., GALÃN, I., KOTSIORIS, E., MEISTER, A.M.(2017)†PedagogÃas radicales: Reimaginando los protocolos disciplinares de la arquitectura†en Revista Materia Arquitectura: Estrategias Radicales de Diseño. Santiago: Ediciones USS (2017, n.14, pp.32- 45).