Architectural Projects of open program in invisible places
There's no learning without questions. These appear more fluently in a situation of bewilderment. We live in frantic times. The need to give quick answers ends up condemning us to common places and routine formalisms. We need to stimulate the student with an attitude of thoughtful permeability to generate questions. We propose the Projects course of 3rd level of 2018-19 statements with "open programs" and in "invisible places" with active methodologies. Regarding the first, each student has to personally concrete, expand and scale the given program and, with respect to the second, each student will discover the history and significance of a unique neighborhood in the city, in parallel to the development of the project, and that, however, was until then non-existent for them. The first discovery began with the visit to the place and was concluded with various actions that, even after the end of the course, remain open.