Teaching lighting

project-based learning methodology





light, lighting, projects, analysis, communication


Light is part of the Architecture project, but it entails a very specific design and technical complexity. The teaching of lighting requires the use of project teaching methodologies adapted to these specificities. In our school we seek to systematize the understanding of the effects of light, so that students acquire the ability to project lighting. This ability is deepened at different levels of training: degree subject, elective subject and master's degree. The students work on all the phases of the project, from the communication of the first ideas, through the elaboration of the complete project and its review, till the possibility of the actual execution of a real project. The methodology used achieves the fulfilment of the objectives of each level, also encouraging the development of final degree projects, which complement the research work of the teaching team, creating feedback between the teaching and research work that is carried out.

Author Biographies

Ainara Bilbao Villa, Departamento de Tecnología de la Arquitectura, ETSAB, UPC

Architect, Professor at Department of Architectural Technology, School of Architecture of Barcelona, ETSAB, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, UPC.  

Adrián Muros Alcojor, Escuela Técnica Superior de Arquitectura de Barcelona

Doctor Architect, Professors at Department of Architectural Technology, School of Architecture of Barcelona, ETSAB, Polytechnic University of Catalonia, UPC.      


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