Collaborative and cross-disciplinary learning applied to Heritage studies in Architecture




This current paper aims to put a stress on the need for incorporating collaborative learning through transversal and multidisciplinary dynamics into the study of architectural and urban Heritage. It will be shown how to face this question thanks to an Innovative Teaching Project developed since 2014 until now at the ETSAV, entitled: “Innovation and Transversality: Collaborative Learning Applied to the Architectural and Urban Heritage of Castille and Leon”. The academic progress seen amongst the future architects has been increased due to the contributions received from different disciplines that converge in dealing with Heritage (geographers, archaeologists, urban planners and historians, besides architects), and also to the implementation of some activities shared with other undergraduate students coming from other universities focused on solving specific, regional problems in direct connection with local residents. One of them, a workshop recently developed in Grajal de Campos, will be explained as an example of transversal and interdisciplinary work where collaborative learning is mainly applied.

Author Biographies

Rodrigo Almonacid Canseco, E.T.S.Arquitectura - Universidad de Valladolid Dpto. Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos Arquitectónicos

Javier Pérez Gil, E.T.S.Arquitectura - Universidad de Valladolid Dpto. Teoría de la Arquitectura y Proyectos Arquitectónicos

Profesor Titular.

Dr. Historia del Arte.


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