Alternatives for Teaching Architecture: From the Introspective Project to the Expanded Field



architectural projects, teaching innovation, transdisciplinarity, collaboration, competition


The teaching experience carried out in the optional subject Digital Projects (Department of Architectural Projects, School of Architecture and Design, CEU Cardenal Herrera University) proposed the application of a transdisciplinary methodology for an immersion in an expanded architectural culture. The course consisted of a contest for students through a development in ten project phases linked to other professional fields. Implicitly, the transdisciplinary condition of the course required a new teaching methodology that operates within the diversity of levels in today's world. Horizontal collaborations, external views and other relations between the students and the teacher were implemented. The proposed teaching model allowed the consolidation of an open and participatory work space, adapted to the demanding and exciting professional career of the future graduate.

Author Biographies

Angela Juarranz Serrano, Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU, CEU Universities

Doctora Arquitecta, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid

Javier Rivera Linares, Universidad Cardenal Herrera-CEU, CEU Universities

Doctor Arquitecto


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